What is the equivalent of 1 °Celsius in °Fahrenheit?

1 °Celsius is equivalent to


Conversion formula

1.8⋅x + 32.0
x shall be replaced by 1

Temperature Conversion



1 °Celsius (°C) is equivalent to 33.8 °Fahrenheit (°F).
To convert 1 °Celsius (°C) to °Fahrenheit (°F), simply use the formula: 1.8⋅x + 32.0, where x shall be replaced by 1.

Frequently asked questions

What is the unit of °Celsius?
The unit of °Celsius is °C.
What is the unit of °Fahrenheit?
The unit of °Fahrenheit is °F.
How do you convert °Celsius to °Fahrenheit?
To convert °Celsius to °Fahrenheit, you can use the formula: °F = 1.8⋅x + 32.0.

Other °Celsius in °Fahrenheit conversion

Link °Celsius °Fahrenheit
-57 °C in °F -57 °C -70.6 °F
-50 °C in °F -50 °C -58 °F
-18 °C in °F -18 °C -0.4 °F
-10 °C in °F -10 °C 14 °F
0 °C in °F 0 °C 32 °F
10 °C in °F 10 °C 50 °F
11 °C in °F 11 °C 51.8 °F
17 °C in °F 17 °C 62.6 °F
19 °C in °F 19 °C 66.2 °F
22 °C in °F 22 °C 71.6 °F
39 °C in °F 39 °C 102.2 °F
41 °C in °F 41 °C 105.8 °F
45 °C in °F 45 °C 113 °F
55 °C in °F 55 °C 131 °F
61 °C in °F 61 °C 141.8 °F
66 °C in °F 66 °C 150.8 °F
80 °C in °F 80 °C 176 °F
95 °C in °F 95 °C 203 °F
103 °C in °F 103 °C 217.4 °F
118 °C in °F 118 °C 244.4 °F